The Scenic Mountain Snow Riders Snowmobile Club was organized in 1995 to promote family participation in snowmobiling. Its goal is to open and create trails in the Bradford County region to make snowmobiling safer and more enjoyable for the entire family.
I will be aware of and obey all state, local and club rules and regulations.
I will keep my snowmobile in safe operating condition.
I will respect the property and trails I ride on, whether on public or private lands.
I will treat the environment with respect by not littering, by waiting for enough snow cover to protect vegetation, avoid running over trees and shrubs, and appreciate but not disturb animals or other outdoor users.
I will do my best working with committees and helping out with club activities and events.
I will act responsibly and be responsible for my guests recognizing that my actions reflect on all snowmobile owners.
Code of Conduct 1
Table of Contents 2
Article 1 Meetings 3
Article 2 Membership 3
Article 3 Dues 4
Article 4 Officers 4
Article 5 Duties of Officers 5
Article 6 Rules and Regulations 6
Article 7 Order of Business 7
Section 2: The fiscal year shall run from September 1st to August 31st.
Section 3: Regularly scheduled meetings of The Club will be held monthly on the second Wednesday. The meetings are held at Stewart’s Family Restaurant located on the Golden Mile (route 6) in Wysox, PA. Meetings start at 7:00 pm in Stewart’s back room.
Section 4: In order to be able to call a meeting to order, there must be a total of five qualified to vote members. This does not include the president as he only votes in case of a tie.
Section 5: Only members in good standing are entitled to vote.
Section 6: If an occassion arises that cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled meeting, the president can call an executive session. All decisions at an executive session are binding unless overridden by a two-thirds vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
1.Family Membership. Includes all husbands, wife, and all children up to age eighteen. 2.Individual Membership. Is for individual members eighteen years of age or older.
Section 2: Family membership: For paid up members eighteen years of age and older in good standing, husband and wife each get one vote.
Individual membership: Paid up member eighteen years of age and older in good standing, receives one vote.
Section 3: New members must submit application and payment to the club secretary. At next regularly scheduled meeting their application for membership is voted on requiring a two-thirds majority of those present.
Section 4: Membership size, or curtailment thereof, must be advertised in the monthly newsletter before it can be voted on at a regularly schedule meeting. A two-thirds vote of those in attendance is required to limit membership size.
Section 5: The executive committee will deal with violations of the constitution and bylaws.
Family Memberships $15 per year
Individual Memberships $10 per year
Section 2: Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st.
Section 3: Membership will be maintained the following year until December 1st, at which time, non payment of dues will result in the membership lapsing for the year. Reinstatement can be made by paying the full amount of the dues owed for the year.
Section 4: Dues taken from the beginning of March on will be for the next year’s dues.
Vice President
Member at Large
Section 2: Officers are elected for a term of two years. Nominations are held at the regularly scheduled meeting in August. The nominations are advertised in the September monthly newsletter to come out before the September meeting. Nominations will be opened again at the September meeting. With no further nominations, elections can be held with the new officers taking over at the end of the meeting. If more nominations are accepted, advertisement of all nominations, ones made in August and ones made in September, will be advertised in the October monthly newsletter to come out before the October meeting. Elections will then take place at the October meeting with the new officers taking over at the end of the meeting.
Section 3: Voting on officers can be by ballot or show of hands. The president will ask if anyone objects to voting by show of hands. One objection will warrant voting by secret ballot. In the event there is only one candidate for each office, the president will direct the secretary to cast a ballot containing the names of those nominated, making their selection unanimous.
Section 4: Nominations will be accepted from the floor if those persons are present to accept or decline. Nominations will be accepted without the persons being present if a handwritten note accepting the nomination is turned in to the vice president upon the nomination. The vice president will verify the accuracy of the note by contacting the individual nominated prior to the newsletter coming out. The newsletter will report the findings of the vice president.
Section 5: Nominees for office must be members in good standing.
Section 6: If a vacancy should occur during a regular term, the executive committee will make an appointment to fulfill the term.
Section 2: Vice-President: Will assume all the powers and authority vested in the office of president in the president’s absence or inability to fulfill his/her duties. In addition, the actions of the vice-president, while representing The Club, will be in such a manner to support the president in promoting The Club and the sport of snowmobiling in a positive light with the general public by conducting himself/herself above reproach. The vice-president will assume all the duties of the office of president in the event of the president’s death, resignation, or removal from office.
Section 3: Secretary will record all proceedings of The Club. At regularly scheduled meetings, the secretary will report on the proceedings of the previous meeting. He/she will maintain any records required by The Club. It will be the duties of the secretary to send out all notices to members of The Club. The secretary will receive and answer communications, read all notices received and sign all notices issued by The Club.
Section 4: Treasurer: It is the duty of the treasurer to pay bills presented to him/her that is authorized by The Club membership at a regularly scheduled meeting, the executive committee, or routine expenditures from an approved budget. The treasurer will keep a record of all money received and disbursed. The treasurer will read a report of all receipts, expenditures, and balances of all accounts at every regularly scheduled meeting. At the close of his/her term, the treasurer will submit a report and all records belonging to The Club. The books will be approved by the membership on recommendation of the executive committee at which time they will be turned over to his/her successor.
Section 5: Member at Large: Of the executive committee will be an elected position. His/her job will be added input in executive meetings. No executive meeting can be held without first notifying the member at large.
Section 6: Executive Committee: Will consist of all officers, president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and member at large. The duties will consist of taking care of any business that because of its urgency cannot wait for the next regularly scheduled meeting. It will be the duty of the president to call such a meeting and he/she will preside at such meeting. Three of the five members of the executive committee must be in attendance to make a quorum. The business of the executive committee can be conducted on the phone.
Section 2: This constitution and bylaws can be amended by the following procedure. A motion is made to amend the constitution and bylaws. After a second and discussion, the membership in attendance will vote by a simple majority to advertise the amendment to all membership. At a subsequent regularly scheduled meeting, the amendment can be approved by a two-thirds vote of the members present.
Section 3: If a member exhibits behavior that a fellow member feels is inappropriate, he/she should bring that behavior to the attention of the president. At the discretion of the president, he/she will discretely handle the situation. If the president deems necessary, he can call a meeting of the executive committee to discuss. The executive committee can take action deemed necessary up to and including expulsion from the club. In the event someone feels the actions of the president are inappropriate, he/she can approach the vice president. The vice president will use his/her discretion to handle the situation. The president can only be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting. The president will be excused from the room while the discussion and vote is taking place. Once removed, the executive committee can meet to decide any other action needing to be taken up to and including expulsion.
Section 4: The president will submit a budget to the membership for approval at the regularly scheduled meeting in September. The budget must balance. In an election year, the outgoing president will submit a budget as per above. The incoming president, after is election, can make amendments to the budget with a simple majority of the membership present at any regularly scheduled meeting prior to the January meeting. No changes to the budget can be made after the December meeting. Any expenditure needed that does not fall within the scope of the budget must be voted on at a regularly scheduled meeting or an executive meeting. When submitting an expenditure outside the budget, the motion must also contain provisions on where the money is going to come to cover it.
2. Check to make sure a quorum is present to conduct business.
3. Reading and voting on approval of the minutes from last meeting.
4. Treasurer’s Report.
5. Vote on any expenditures.
6. Communications.
7. Committee Reports.
8. Unfinished Business.
9. New Business.
10. Any other business for the good of the order.
11. Adjournment.
Committee Reports are:
Thank You Notes that need to be sent.