OK everyone here we go again. Snow is just around the corner, are you ready for it yet? The first order of business is to get your renewal money sent into the club so we can keep you on the active roster. Enclosed with this newsletter is your application form. Please take a second to fill it out and send it right back. No, don’t lay it down; I said do it now or I will tell your mommy. Seriously, the sooner we can get all that paperwork behind us, the sooner we can all concentrate on the upcoming winter season. So we would appreciate it if you would take care of it soon. This year, you will receive the first two newsletters. However, if the club has not received your renewal, your name will be dropped from the mailing list for the third one. Only fair as we only send out seven newsletters a season. Note; the application form and money is to be sent to the club treasurer, Patty Weaver.
That brings us to the second order of business. According to the bylaws, officers are elected every two years. This is one of those years. In addition, nominated candidates names are to appear in the September issue. Without further ado, I give you the candidates for officers of the club for the next two years: President – Mark Moody; Vice President – Bob Murphy; Secretary – Randy Fields (he has the legs for it, heh heh), and Treasurer – Patty Weaver. From the bylaws; "Nominations will be opened again at the September meeting. With no further nominations, elections can be held with the new officers taking over at the end of the meeting. If more nominations are accepted, advertisement of all nominations, ones made in August and ones made in September, will be advertised in the October monthly newsletter to come out before the October meeting. Elections will then take place at the October meeting with the new officers taking over at the end of the meeting."
Tickets are out for the Arctic Cat Raffle sponsored by Arctic Cat and PSSA (Pennsylvania State Snowmobile Association). This is the one we make fifty cents on every dollar’s worth of tickets we sell. I am hoping we can break our previous record of 4400 tickets sold. No other club in the state comes close to our efforts, yet. Maybe that is why we are allowed to get our hands on the actual sled eh? Watch for next month’s newsletter, as tickets will be enclosed. If you would like tickets to sell, stop over at Rolling Acres and see Patty Weaver and she will be happy to hand them out to you. By the way, the sled donated by Arctic Cat is the same as last year, a Z370. I hate to admit it, but a nice looking sled.
Have a chance to make it out to the Appreciation Picnic this year? Had a very nice turnout of around 30 people. Nice to see everyone again. A lot of sled bashing going on this year. Not sure who won what race or what type of racing it was, but it was lively and a lot of fun. This year we added the dealers and advertisers that make our newsletter possible throughout the winter months. We figured "what the heck" they probably won’t show up anyway so it won’t cost us anything to ask them. Well, we did have one dealer come out to join us, Joe Chaapel and his lovely wife Joanne. You know Joe from Joe’s Sport Center in East Canton. We don’t really consider Joe a dealer at these affairs, as he is a member. Good food as everyone cooked their own one-inch thick steaks on the open fire. There were several pies for desert. I can tell you that every single one of them were very tasty. Special thanks go to the Benjamin’s for allowing us to hold our picnic on their peaceful setting in the woods next to the lake. Even though Nate is not with us this year, I suspect he was smiling down on us. For pictures and more info, check out the October issue of the Keystone Snowmobiler.
So what’s next? I’m glad you asked. Our Third Annual Cruise In is scheduled for October 2nd, rain or shine. Plans call for getting together at the same place as last year; Steward’s Family Restaurant and Drive-In located on the Golden Mile in Wysox, PA. What’s it all about? Drag your sleds on out and park them for the day. Got a new one this year? Bring it out for all of us to check over. How about that trip you took last year? What about all the adventures you have planned for this year? Come on out, get together, relax and talk about snowmobiling for the day. Everyone that shows up with a sled will receive a frosty Steward’s soda compliments of the club (their root beer is outta this world). In addition, if you have some snowmobiling stuff lying around you want rid of, bring it with you and put a price tag on it. Can be anything, like that old sled, clothing, or whatever. Maybe somebody shows up who needs it. We even had two dealers show up with a few new sleds last year. This year we are expecting more. Added this year will be a Snowmobile Safety Class to be held the same day. There will be room for twenty to thirty to participate. Sign up early with Dennis Smouse at (570) 265-8073. Lunch will be provided. What will all this cost to participate? There is no charge for anything. Doug McKlinko graciously lets us use the space for no charge, so our costs are low. We just like to get together and talk about snowmobiles. So remember to mark your calendar for Saturday October 2nd. Show up anytime after 10:00 am. We plan on having a tent put up so rain or shine, we will be there.
Check out our ‘New Millenium Ride’ this year in Pulaski, NY riding from the Steelhead Lodge. This is the same place we rode from last New Years. With the fun we had, we asked Big Earl if we could come back again this year. Here’s the scoop. You have to reserve a two-night package, Friday Dec 31st and Saturday Jan 1st. Cost is $20 plus tax per person per night. Make your reservations as soon as possible directly with Steelhead Lodge at (315) 298-4371 as they are on a first come first served basis. Discussion has taken place about going up the week before. We do not know the availability yet. We are still checking out that possibility and will let you know as soon as we do. Ask anyone who went last year, we had snow, cold weather, and great riding.
Here is our calendar of events I know of so far this winter season:
Oct 8th thru Oct 10th Winter Trails Show in York, PA sponsored by the PSSA. This is the big show for Pennsylvania. There is actually more floor exhibition space indoors than the Big East Show.
Dec 31st thru Jan 2nd New Millenium Ride, Steelhead Lodge in Pulaski, NY. Two night package only with a cost of $20 plus tax per person per night. Reservations on a first come first served basis. Telephone (315) 298-4371 and talk with Big Earl to make your reservation. See more info in this newsletter.
Jan 15th Fun Run starting at the Clubhouse.
Feb 5th thru Feb 6th Winterfest Aught Aught (’00). We will again be involved with this great snowmobiling event by selling a little bit of food. The Winterfest Committee of Alparon Park is hard at work setting the stage for another great festival. More surprises being planned for this year. Radar Run will be back bigger than ever.
Check out our advertisers and if you happen to go into one of their establishments, thank them for supporting our club. If you got the letter inviting you to the summer picnic, you might remember I was making apologies to Country Classics, the Arctic Cat dealer in Nichols, New York. Someone brought to my attention that I inadvertently left out his advertisement in the last newsletter. Well when I went to put this one together, I discovered it had not been in any issue since December. HOLY COW! Let me apologize to Kevin again. He has been a super sponsor of our club helping out in many different ways. So when any club member goes there, do me a favor and let Kevin know I am very sorry. Beg for my forgiveness and ask him to put away the shotgun. Kevin has been busy adding on to his building making his business larger. Maybe we can con him into writing up a little article for our newsletter to let us know what the addition is for. Look forward to that.
Jeff from Ithaca Recreation Sports called me the other night and wanted to let all the members know he is holding a big Open House and Pork Roast on September 25th and 26th. The pork roast is scheduled for Saturday only. Jeff picked this weekend because it is the weekend after the Big East Show in Syracuse. He whispered in my ear that any deals given at the Big East Show will be held over to his Open House weekend. This Open House is for Snowmobiles and ATV’s. There will be demo rides on ATV’s only I’m afraid. He does have Bombardier, Arctic Cat, and Kawasaki ATV’s. He will also be displaying Ski Doo and Arctic Cat Snowmobiles. Jeff talked about give aways all day long with an Arctic Cat Generator as the Grand Prize of the weekend. Ithaca Recreation Sports is located on route 13 just ten miles south of Ithaca, New York.
Your officers for through the end of September at least:
President: Dennis Smouse 265-8073
Vice President: Jim Weaver 247-2823
Secretary: Vickie Turner 265-7733
Treasurer: Patti Weaver 247-2823
Club Voice Mail Box (call 24 hours a day) 265-7004
Home Page address: http://smsnowriders.tripod.com