Where will the newsletters be passed out? First place will be at the 3rd Annual Cruise In coming up Oct 2nd at Steward’s Family Restaurant in Wysox. I realize this newsletter is not getting out in time to announce the Cruise In to you (it was in last month’s newsletter), but hope to see you there nonetheless. A lot of snowmobile BS’ing that day. The second place we will be passing out the newsletter will be at the Winter Trails Show sponsored by the PSSA (Pennsylvania State Snowmobile Association) in York, PA on Oct 8th, 9th, & 10th. Your club (the ones that have paid their dues) will have a booth there manned by a spectacularly stunning good looking man. Stop by and say hello if he can get his face out of the mirror. The Winter Trails Show has as much floor space for exhibits as the Big East Show in Syracuse. The two shows are as different as night and day though. The Big East Show is a huge discount department store for snowmobilers. The Winter Trails Show is much more laid back; not near as hectic. Many clubs from across the state show up to man a booth (not quite as good looking as the guy in our booth). The pace is slower; there being none of the hustle and bustle. I like Saturdays as the auction takes place at 1:00. All items auctioned off are new. Talk about bargains. They will be auctioning off a trip to Yellowstone again this year.
Let’s do a little business now. Have you sent in your renewal for this year yet? To those that have, thanks. To those who are procrastinating, this will be your last newsletter. WHAT! You heard me. I have talked to a few mommies and looks like I will have to call a few more. Please take the time to send in your renewal application so we can keep you on the active roster. If for some reason you no longer wish to remain a member, we would appreciate a quick note to let us know why. As a club, we are always looking to improve. Also, if you have paid your membership dues and do not receive this newsletter, give one of the officers a call and let them know. To those that are not members and wish to join, they had better handed you an application when they gave you this newsletter. If not, call one of the officers. Dues are $15 for a family membership and $10 for a single membership.
Officers you say?!? Let’s talk about them. No new nominations were made at the September meeting. Therefore elections proceeded immediately. The new officers of the club are: Treasurer - Patty Weaver, staying on for another term. Secretary - Randy, he certainly has the legs for it, Fields. Vice President - Bob, he’s bigger than I am so I don’t pick on him, Murphy. And all hail the chief - Mark, last but certainly least, Moody. One last position called for in the bylaws is a member-at-large which is being filled by Jim, still on a Polaris – can you believe that?, Weaver. I admit that one was a stretch. Everyone, I hope you will give the same support and enthusiasm to the new officers as you have to the outgoing ones. If you have any comments or suggestions, I am sure they would love to hear your input.
In with the new means out with the old. Before moving on, I, as outgoing president, would like to thank the officers that made being president easy. In addition, they made me look good with all their hard work towards the club. To Jim Weaver, vice president, Vickie Turner, secretary, and Patty Weaver, treasurer, I want to express my many thanks for all the help now, and I know, in the future. One more position, Bob Murphy, head of the kitchen at the Winterfest. With outstanding snowmobiling citizens like these, the sport of snowmobiling is going to have many long and prosperous seasons in this area.
As first advertised in last month’s newsletter, the ‘New Millenium Ride’ is out and starting to fill up already. We will be riding from Pulaski, NY staying at the Steelhead Lodge. This is the same place we rode from last New Years. With the fun we had, we asked Big Earl if we could come back again this year. Here’s the scoop. You have to reserve a two-night package, Friday Dec 31st and Saturday Jan 1st. Cost is $20 plus tax per person per night. Rooms are already filling up so make your reservations as soon as possible directly with Steelhead Lodge at (315) 298-4371 as they are on a first come first served basis. Ask anyone who went last year, we had snow, cold weather, great riding and good fellowship. Roger Turner is chairing this event.
What about anything else planned for this winter season:
Oct 8th thru Oct 10th Winter Trails Show in York, PA sponsored by the PSSA. This is the big show for Pennsylvania. There is actually more floor exhibition space indoors than the Big East Show.
Oct 13th Next regularly scheduled meeting of the club at Stewart’s Family Restaurant. Come on out and make the new officers nervous with your presence.
Dec 31st thru Jan 2nd New Millenium Ride, Steelhead Lodge in Pulaski, NY. Two night package only with a cost of $20 plus tax per person per night. Reservations on a first come first served basis. Telephone (315) 298-4371 and talk with Big Earl to make your reservation. See more info in this newsletter.
Jan 15th State Game Land trails open and Fun Run starting at the Clubhouse.
Feb 5th thru Feb 6th Winterfest Aught Aught (’00). We will again be involved with this great snowmobiling event by selling a little bit of food. The Winterfest Committee of Alparon Park is hard at work setting the stage for another great festival. More surprises being planned for this year. Radar Run will be back bigger than ever.
Ran out of room in last month’s newsletter for some important news. Your club has been busy this summer. We have gone to two townships, Franklin and Leroy and gotten permission to put up joint use signs on several roads around Barclay Mountain. The motions have been passed, the ordinances have been written, and now they need to be advertised. That is expected to take place soon. Then we, as a club, are responsible for obtaining the signs and getting them posted. We hope to have all that done before the beginning of December. This will go a long way in relieving some anxieties when riding out on the mountain. Thanks need to go to Robin Turner as the driving force behind this success.
Next I want to take some time to editorialize to the females. So guys, if your wife or significant other does not ride with you, make sure she reads the next part. OK girls, are you listening? As in my own case, there are way too many of you that do not go out and enjoy the sport of snowmobiling with your spouse. The main reason is "it’s too cold". I want to let you in on a secret, us guys would not be out riding sleds either if we were freezing. Now just think for a second, if they can put a man on the moon with protective gear so he stays comfortable, they can and do make clothing that will keep you warm while you go out to enjoy the winter wonderland as us guys do. The best way to dress warm is to layer your clothing. The other trick is to wear clothing with a material that wicks away moisture from your body like fleece or polypropylene. Then top off the outer layer with a good coat and bibs. I suggest spending a little extra on the bibs and get one made of Gore Tex or a similar breathable material. Worth the investment. That leaves the hands and feet. A little experimentation might be needed here to get gloves and boots that work. Use the same principles as above, breathable materials to keep hands and feet dry. Why get into all this? If you go back and read the opening paragraph, it talks about ‘family participation’. I have seen scenery in the wintertime that is unmatched any other time of the year. Hopefully a couple of you just might take our suggestions and give it a try. Just trying to keep ‘family’ in our sport. You’ll enjoy it.
To those of you who are hearing about our club for the first time, interested enough to try some more? Check us out at our next meeting. We meet the second Wednesday of every month, if we have a quorum. That makes the next meeting Oct 13th. We meet in the back room of Stewarts Family Restaurant at 7:00 pm. Meetings usually last about 1½ hours. Come on out and join us.
Coming up soon, a work bee. Several things need taking care of like trail work, constructing a permanent enclosure around our generator and general clean up in and around the clubhouse. If you can’t make the meeting but would like to help, stay in contact with the Club Voice MailBox. We try and keep it current of all upcoming events. In the winter we use it to communicate trails conditions on Barclay Mountian.
Hey everyone, check out our new advertiser, Brinks Motor Sports. They are a brand new Ski Doo dealer and are located just past Allis Hollow Equipment. Ashley has a few sleds on the showroom floor and sounds like another really nice dealer. We certainly are blessed with a lot of them. Check out their new ad and give them a call, even if just to wish them hello and good luck. And the rest of you advertisers, if you have an event or something special you would like to get the word out on, remember to get the information to us so we can get it in our newsletter. Also, don’t forget that this is the last newsletter your ad will be in unless we receive your renewal for the upcoming season. Don’t delay, I’ll have to tell your mommies too. To all members, when getting ready for the up coming riding season, make sure you give special consideration and support to those dealers and vendors that support our club. Check out their cards in our Business Ads.
Ta Ta Ta Taaaaaaa (pretends that’s a trumpet) Your officers for the next two years:
President: Mark Moody (607) 565-7545
Vice President: Bob Murphy (570) 364-5681
Secretary: Randy Fields (570) 265-3878
Treasurer: Patti Weaver (570) 247-2823
Club Voice MailBox (call 24 hours a day) (570) 265-7004
Club Web Sight: http://smsnowriders.tripod.com
Writes the Newsletter: Dennis Smouse (570) 265-8073